How does the X-Wall works?

The X-Wall is a custom projection of a giant touchscreen (up to 4.6 x 2.6 meters). A powerful projector projects the image in HD resolution, and the camera and infrared sensors detect the balls or hands as soon as they touch the wall. Any ball sport is possible, such as soccer, handball and tennis. And, of course, all games played with touch.

Conjure up any white
wall with the X-Wall!

Create the ultimate experience in any indoor space with the X-Wall interactive wall.

A darkened room and a white wall is all you need to set up the ultimate gaming experience. Along with cool sound and light effects, motivate each player to actively and fanatically participate.

The most fun gym class with the X-Wall

The X-Wall offers many possibilities for a fun gym class.Multiplayer games are possible and the X-Wall can even offer the lesson as a “sports teacher. Complete gym lessons can be provided on the interactive play wall.

Games at various levels

With each game, you can set your own difficulty level at the home screen. In the game Arithmetic King Multiplayer, you can do sums via the X-Wall for grades 3 through grade 8. Is it too difficult? Then you switch down a level. For everyone, you can give level math!

Have fun with moving learning

Solve arithmetic sums on the wall or hit the right land? The interactive play wall provides children with moving learning in a fun and innovative way. The X-Wall combines gaming with exercise.

Easy to operate

With one press of the remote, the X-Wall turns on. Everything is set up on the X-Wall so that everyone can handle it. The games themselves are easy to change. Once a game is over, players can throw in the highscores screen or press hand on other game or play it again.

Familiar with finance possibilities?

We would be happy to think with you about possible financing to install an X-Wall at your school or in your gymnasium.

How does the X-Wall work for schools?

With a powerful projector, the screen is projected in HD resolution. The projector is mounted in a protective box and is mounted in the ceiling.


Math King Multiplayer

Which team can count and aim the fastest? Whoever solves 15 sums first wins. Math has never been so much fun! Math is developed according to the curricula of elementary schools. Select your group and do arithmetic at your own level.

Number of players: 1 to 10 players
Age: 6+

Fast Timers

With Fast timer, you learn the times on an analog and digital clock. There are several levels available in this game. The game can be played with one player or with two teams against each other Who can watch the clock the best?

Number of players: 1 to 10 players
Age: 6+

Alphabet game

As fast as possible, hit all objects starting with a letter found at the top. Who will be the first to reach 8 points? The game can also be played in English and German. So that way you can also improve your vocabulary in another language!

Number of players: 1 to 10 players
Age: 8+

A unique
for every industry!

Want to rent/buy an X-Wall?

Are you curious about the possibilities of the X-Wall? We are happy to think with you!

The benefits of
playful learning

De Interactive X-Wall is een interactieve spelmuur. Op de muur worden diverse games geprojecteerd die reageren op contact met de muur. Door middel van contact met handen ballen of andere voorwerpen kunnen de games gespeeld worden. De interactieve muur stimuleert beweging door middel van gamification. Daarom is de muur zeer geschikt voor het onderwijs, leisurecentra, fitnesscentra, speelparadijzen en in de gezondheidszorg.

Elke balsport is mogelijk op de X-Wall. Je kunt de spellen op je eigen manier spelen. Zo kan je bijvoorbeeld de game “Tennis Skill” ook met een voetbal of handbal spelen. 

De X-Wall registreert tot wel 10 aanrakingen tegelijk. Er zou dus wel met 10 spelers tegelijk gespeeld kunnen worden. De educatieve en sportgames worden echter opgedeeld in teams van max 4 spelers. Dit i.v.m. de grootte van de muur en de speelvlakken. Door de spelvorm aan te passen en het in estafettevorm te spelen kan je er met 16 kinderen tegelijk op spelen. 

De software maakt ons onderscheidend ten opzichte van onze concurrentie. Onze games zijn in het Nederlands. Wij maken alle games zelf en kunnen hierdoor ook alle games zelf aanpassen. Zo kan elke game of zelfs het gehele portaal en dashboard gepersonaliseerd worden.

De minimale grootte van de ruimte is afhankelijk van de versie X-Wall. De minimale afstand van de X-Wall tot aan de muur is 1 meter. De beamer komt dan op een hoogte van 2,3 meter te hangen. Er is veel mogelijk en wij denken graag met je mee aan oplossingen om de X-Wall te integreren in jouw ruimte. Neem contact met ons op, we helpen je graag. 

De X-Wall is verkrijgbaar in vier verschillende versies. De X-Wall Basic, X-Wall Ultra Short Throw, X-Wall Short Throw en de X-Wall Mobile. Het verschil tussen de diverse soorten is de afstand van de beamer t.o.v. de muur en de projectie grootte. De X-Wall mobile is zoals de naam het zegt een mobiele versie. Klik hier voor de actuele prijzen van de verschillende soorten X-Walls. 

Request a demo
and experience it yourself

The possibilities are endless...

Curious about the possibilities of the X-Wall? Then you can request a free online demonstration. It is also possible to provide an on-site demonstration.