Unique Playground
with the X-Wall

Want to offer the visitors of your campsite or holiday park something extra? The X-Wall is a gamechanger for any holiday experience. Both young and old are entertained by the various competitive games, adapted to your own house-style.

Looking for an Innovative game system at your holiday park?

Looking for an innovative game system? Try the X-Wall at your holiday park or campsite!

The interactive X-Wall is very attractive for kids. The huge variety of games makes the wall suitable for everyone. The X-Wall allows you to create an entire interactive gaming wall in the house-style of your holiday park or campsite. Your animation figures can be featured in the games. This makes for the ultimate experience with the signature of your holiday park or campsite!

"The X-Wall is the most popular playground equipment and is used by young and old alike!"
Anique van Breen, Landal GreenParks

Fun factor for x 10

The X-Wall is interactive, easy to operate, stimulating to move and learn, but above all lots of fun. Holidays are meant to have fun and the X-Wall guarantees your guests have fun and play for hours.

Customized Games

Every X-Wall that is placed is unique because of its included software. The interface and the games are custom made according to the house-style of your holiday park. You can also order the black X-Wall frame in your color of choice.

The interactive wall stays fun and exciting

The X-Wall currently has over 40 games and new games are added each year. Returning visitors are regularly surprised by a new challenge!


To keep the experience exciting, the X-Wall is developing constantly. This year, the number of games is increased from 40 to 60. Together with our clients, we find new ideas all the time and keep developing and innovating. By the end of 2022, a new interface will be launched, making it possible for the person supervising to modify the games.

What about financing options?

We’re glad to brainstorm financing options for placing an X-Wall, such as a grant or lease contract.

How does the X-Wall for vacation parks work?

With a powerful projector, the screen is projected in HD resolution. The projector is mounted in a protective box and is mounted in the ceiling.


Duck Shooter

This is the popular ‘Duck Hunt’ game with a twist. The game used to be played on the Super Nintendo using a toy gun, but the X-Wall allows you to hit the ducks using a ball instead. Fun variations of this game include shooting bottles or balloons.

Number of players: 1 to 10 players
Age: 4+

Connect 4

The interactive X-Wall now also offers the familiar ‘Connect 4’ game. Red plays blue and the goal is to be the first to form a line of four chips. Besides aiming well, strategic thinking is very important in this game!

Number of players: 1 to 2 players
Age: 4+

Soccer Skill Game

Always wanted to play ‘Fifa’ in real life? You now can on the X-Wall, with our very own ‘Soccer Skill Game’. Besides football, you can also play handball or tennis.

Number of players: 1 to 2 players
Age: 6+

A unique
for every BRANCHE!

Want to rent/buy an X-Wall?

Are you curious about the possibilities of the X-Wall? We are happy to think with you!

The benefits of
playful learning

De Interactive X-Wall is een interactieve spelmuur. Op de muur worden diverse games geprojecteerd die reageren op contact met de muur. Door middel van contact met handen ballen of andere voorwerpen kunnen de games gespeeld worden. De interactieve muur stimuleert beweging door middel van gamification. Daarom is de muur zeer geschikt voor het onderwijs, leisurecentra, fitnesscentra, speelparadijzen en in de gezondheidszorg.

Elke balsport is mogelijk op de X-Wall. Je kunt de spellen op je eigen manier spelen. Zo kan je bijvoorbeeld de game “Tennis Skill” ook met een voetbal of handbal spelen. 

De X-Wall registreert tot wel 10 aanrakingen tegelijk. Er zou dus wel met 10 spelers tegelijk gespeeld kunnen worden. De educatieve en sportgames worden echter opgedeeld in teams van max 4 spelers. Dit i.v.m. de grootte van de muur en de speelvlakken. Door de spelvorm aan te passen en het in estafettevorm te spelen kan je er met 16 kinderen tegelijk op spelen. 

De software maakt ons onderscheidend ten opzichte van onze concurrentie. Onze games zijn in het Nederlands. Wij maken alle games zelf en kunnen hierdoor ook alle games zelf aanpassen. Zo kan elke game of zelfs het gehele portaal en dashboard gepersonaliseerd worden.

De minimale grootte van de ruimte is afhankelijk van de versie X-Wall. De minimale afstand van de X-Wall tot aan de muur is 1 meter. De beamer komt dan op een hoogte van 2,3 meter te hangen. Er is veel mogelijk en wij denken graag met je mee aan oplossingen om de X-Wall te integreren in jouw ruimte. Neem contact met ons op, we helpen je graag. 

De X-Wall is verkrijgbaar in vier verschillende versies. De X-Wall Basic, X-Wall Ultra Short Throw, X-Wall Short Throw en de X-Wall Mobile. Het verschil tussen de diverse soorten is de afstand van de beamer t.o.v. de muur en de projectie grootte. De X-Wall mobile is zoals de naam het zegt een mobiele versie. Klik hier voor de actuele prijzen van de verschillende soorten X-Walls. 

Request a demo
and experience it yourself

The possibilities are endless...

Curious about the possibilities of the X-Wall? Then you can request a free online demonstration. It is also possible to provide an on-site demonstration.